Aarau, Switzerland Aargau School of Design

The importance of light shows its essential effect in places of education. Factors such as light intensity and uniformity, flicker, brightness or light colour; they all influence learning conditions and are decisively positively influenced by carefully designed lighting. The Aargau School of Design is the centre of excellence for media and design in northwestern Switzerland. After taking over the training for fashion as well as clothing design, the need for space increased and an extension was added to the vocational school. Here, wide spaces with a charming shed roof required a light line system that follows the shapes of the architecture and effectively reinforces them.

The Matric series was created precisely for such applications. Manufactured to millimetre precision according to specifications, Matric R6 creates a calm, homogeneous room ambience with an even lighting effect. This allows students to unfold their full potential.

Applied products

Lighting design elements